RTT ® has had fantastic success with fertility, conception and pregnancy issues. Fertility clinics in the USA are recommending hypnosis as part of IVF treatment.
Addiction comes in many forms, smoking, drinking, drugs, shopping, gambling. RTT ® can help you to overcome your addiction.
Depression, Anxiety, Memory Loss
Depression and anxiety can be debilitating. Memory loss is due to your mind blocking something you do not want to remember, let us help you get to the source of this issue.
Weight Loss, Eating Disorders
Learn why your mind does not want you to lose weight. Or why your mind holds fears about gaining weight.
When you have loss, your mind protects you from further loss or makes you bigger to protect you.
Sports Performance
Every accomplishment starts with the decision to try and have the attitude of a champion and the unstoppable belief in yourself. What you tell your mind, it believes. We can help you to believe in yourself and achieve your dreams.
Public Speaking
To some people, public speaking is a terrifying thought. We can help give your the confidence to speak out, that will change your life.
Children's Issues
I can help your child know that they are enough, to know that they are strong and how to deal with bullies and any other childhood issues.
Health Issues
RTT ® can help you understand why you have an illness and to put you on the road to heal your body, mind and spirit. To help you understand the beliefs that have caused the illness.
Past Life Regression
Discover why you have fears or phobias that you can’t understand where these fears come from.